
On kodi , subscene add-on seems not working at all. It’s the best website for the language I am looking for. Just wondering if anyone has been able to use it or install and has a working version ? I saw a clone of it while googling , but the address given for github didn’t work , that is the reason I believe some of you good people might know a way :))) Install Kodi addons repository SuperRepo! Installing the SuperRepo addon repository in Kodi offers you free access to over 5.000 addons for free! On top of that  14 Jul 2020 Click on Package Installer icon present in the top-left corner. superrepo kodi; Select the “Install from Zip File” option. superrepo kodi zip file  1 Nov 2017 How to Install SuperRepo (Computers, Kodi Boxes and TVs). Kodi users with box devices, desktop, or laptop PCs can add SuperRepo in just a 

KODI 17: tornate nella home e cliccate su Add-on / Prima icona in alto a sinistra / Installa da un file zip; A questo punto per avere un add-on autoaggiornante cliccate su SuperRepo; Qui dovrete scegliere la vostra versione di Kodi (13.0+ = Gotham, 14.0+ = Helix, 15.0+ = Isengard, 16+ = Jarvis, 17+= Krypton)

Download SuperRepo All 16/9/14, 7 sources - A repository hosted on ftp.acc.umu.se by Bart Otten (Repositories)

How to install Video add-ons to Kodi using SuperRepo. Now that you have spent some time playing with the Kodi interface, installing video addons using SuperRepo should be a walk in the park for you. Make sure you are on the Kodi homepage before you begin the next steps: Step 1: Select the Add-ons option on the left navigation bar.

Super repo has been one of the largest Kodi repositories for the past few years. One thing that makes SuperRepo so popular is the fact that it houses many Kodi add-ons within one interface. However, as of now, the repository no longer works with Kodi Krypton 17.6. If you use this version of Kodi, Colossus Repo is more famous and a Latest Repo and Home for Covenant Kodi which is the Best Replacement for Exodus Kodi. TV Addons repo were down in the middle but now they are back and they are working well. Smash Repo is one of the Long working Kodi Repos. This article will give different methods to Download and Install Smash Repository on Latest Version Kodi Player. KodiNerds Repository - Comment installer KodiNerds Repo sur Kodi KodiNerds est un référentiel Kodi non officiel qui permet aux utilisateurs de télécharger des addons Kodi non officiels . Mais il y a plus que cela. À un moment où les addons Kodi arrivent pour beaucoup de mauvaise presse, le référentiel KodiNerds est un endroit sûr et sécurisé pour télécharger des addons.